www.sportingbounce.com - Sporting Bounce
Posted 07/02/2021 in Category 1 by Rebecca Chidley

It's your journey

It's your journey

Transitions are a key part of your journey within and away from sport as they can have an impact on your self-perceptions, motivation and development. Transitions are events or non-events that require a change in one’s behaviour and relationships and therefore need to be managed effectively. Below we have outlined some transitions that Athletes may experience:

  • Sport environment – Athletes may experience a clear increase in frequency, intensity and types of training, and matches or competitions of a higher level than they were used to before.
  • Psychological changes – These sport environment changes will require a change in motivation to participate and a stronger focus during training. They may also result in a change in the importance they put on their sport and how that becomes a bigger part of their identity.
  • School/work commitments – An increase in the sport environment will raise challenges for the completion of work and may even impact on school/work attendance. This may further impact social connections in these environments as individuals may lose contact with friends.
  • Injury / retirement - Experiencing an injury or retiring from sport are two of the most challenging transitions that athletes face as they prevent them from doing something that they have been committed too. Even if you chose to retire ensuring you have the right resources and support around you is important. 

It’s your journey

There is no one size fits all when it comes to supporting individuals through transitions. Some athletes may take all transitions in their stride and find that the resources available to them far outweigh the demands of the experience. Others may find even small transitions or environmental changes to be challenging and require more support with resources to help them cope.

How well do you cope with transitions? 

Do you have the resources to cope with the transition demands you face?

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