Sport Performance Specialist
Top Mental Performance
Notre Dame, Indiana, 46556
I am a Certified Mental Game Coach with 40 years of experience in a learning and coaching environment.
Over my four decades of work I have matched my professional work with experience working with athletes in a variety of sports. Throughout the years, I have played, coached, and been involved in athletics. As a mental game coach, I combine my decades of experience in sports and learning environments to create a unique game coaching model for athletes of all ages.
I work with athletes as individuals, first and foremost, to talk through the your unique make-up and challenges that you come forth with on the mental game side. From there, we work closely together to work through those challenges, which can be any of the following -
Proactive (vs Reactive) Confidence - Stable confidence - Performance Anxiety - Focus - Goal-Setting and Achievement - Perfectionism - Mental Preparation - Self-Discipline - Getting In The Zone - The Fear Of Failure - Trusting Your Skills
After an assessment where we thoroughly develop and flesh out the unique challenges that you have, we devise a mental performance game plan that we will through. Part of the game plan will include skill building exercises, action plans, review sessions and practical approaches to take to practice on and to implement in competition.
My mission is to help you become the best version of yourself as possible.
Mistakes are an inevitable part of sports competition. Whether it's a missed shot, a costly foul, or a strategic... View More
In the world of mental performance coaching, setting goals is an important part of the overall process of staying... View More
Pressure is inevitable. We are human beings, cast in a myriad of roles – career, personal, avocational. Whether... View More
As a player, I'm sure you've noticed it many times. You just can't keep that error out of your mind.... View More
What are your fears? We all have them. It is perfectly normal. We read about heroic actions, courage... View More
If you have perused any self-help information online or subscribe to any performance newsletters, you will inevitably... View More