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Posted 02/05/2023 in Category 1

Pre Performance Routines in Sport

Pre Performance Routines in Sport

Pre-performance routines in sport refer to a set of specific activities or habits that athletes engage in before a competition or training session. These routines can be unique to each individual and may include physical, mental, and emotional preparation. Key to these routines are the athlete engaging systematically in thought, behaviours or actions before the performance of a specific skill. 

Some common elements of pre-performance routines in sport can include:

  • Physical preparation: This can include activities such as stretching, warm-up exercises, and sport-specific drills to get the body physically ready for competition or training.
  • Mental preparation: This can involve visualization exercises, where athletes imagine themselves performing well, as well as setting goals and focusing on the task at hand.
  • Emotional preparation: This can involve calming exercises such as deep breathing, mindfulness, or positive self-talk to help manage any nervousness or anxiety before competition.
  • Equipment preparation: Athletes may also have a routine for preparing their equipment, such as putting on their gear or making sure they have everything they need before they compete.
  • Rituals: Many athletes also have specific rituals that they engage in before competition, such as listening to music, bouncing a ball, or doing a specific warm-up routine.

Pre-performance routines are important for athletes because they help them get into the right mindset and prepare physically and mentally for competition. Simply, engage in relevant thoughts and actions relevant for performance. Some of the ways pre-performance routines can help athletes include:

  • Providing structure: A pre-performance routine helps to create a structured and consistent approach to getting ready for competition, reducing the likelihood of forgetting important steps or getting sidetracked.
  • Reducing anxiety: By having a well-established routine, athletes can feel more in control and less anxious about their upcoming performance, which can lead to better results.
  • Improving focus: Pre-performance routines can help athletes focus on the task at hand, direct attention to task relevant thoughts, and avoid distractions. This is particularly important for high-pressure situations where mental focus is crucial.
  • Building confidence: By consistently performing a pre-performance routine, athletes can build confidence in their ability to get ready for competition. This can help to increase their belief in themselves and their ability to perform well.
  • Physical preparation: Pre-performance routines can also include physical preparation activities, such as stretching, warm-up exercises, and visualization exercises, that help to get the body ready for the demands of competition.

Overall, a well-established pre-performance routine can help athletes perform at their best by providing structure, reducing anxiety, improving focus, building confidence, and preparing them physically for competition.

If you are interested in understanding more about your psychological approach to sport you may wish to speak with a sport psychology consultant. They can give examples of pre performance routines in sport and to develop a pre performance routine of your own. We have a number of sport psychology consultants who list their services on our directory, along with other sport performance specialists. You can see the full range of people we have on our directory and search for the sport performance specialist you need by location or specialism